Posts tagged ‘Fasting’

ADF Day 6: Paying the Hard Way

Oof.  This morning’s weigh-in was not good.  193.2, if you can believe that.  I actually gained.

All of the “You’ll Screw Up Your Metabolism” naysayers will undoubtedly love that, but the truth is that the weight gain has a fairly simple explanation:  I had the kids at home, I was eager to get out and have fun with them, and as a result I celebrated the weekend in grand style.   (more…)

June 13, 2011 at 1:13 pm 2 comments

ADF Day 3: Remembering Again…


I had forgotten a lot, apparently.  Yesterday I got up, walked, and ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast.  By 10:00 a.m., the nutrition lull smacked me full-on and I was shaking too hard to write properly.  Such a quirky thing that the effects of not eating really don’t manifest for real until the day AFTER you fast, but there you go.  This is all just part of Hell Week, as I recall, so I’m not too worried.  I went out for lunch as planned and was fine after that. (more…)

June 10, 2011 at 5:30 am 1 comment

ADF-EDD, Day 3: Being Good!

I’m up and walking!  It’s a little later than usual, but I don’t have to be at work until 9:00 today.  That helps.


July 14, 2010 at 5:57 am 2 comments

ADF Hardcore, Day 17: Back on Track

I was good today.  Of course, the fact that I only worked until noon really helped, there.


July 7, 2010 at 8:05 pm

ADF Hardcore, Day 12: Will of STEEL!

Wow…   For a Christianity-focused program, VBS was just RIFE with temptation!


July 2, 2010 at 3:28 pm

ADF Hardcore, Day 8: One Week Down!

I woke up this morning and weighed myself.  169.2.  I didn’t check the Wii Fit because there wasn’t time; I had to get to work.  But still… 169.2 is definitely below the 170 mark, so I’ll take it.


June 28, 2010 at 11:11 pm

ADF Hardcore, Day 3: The Second Day Phenomenon

I don’t suppose I’ve ever mentioned this here, but I grew up Lutheran.  That doesn’t really have much bearing on this, except that as religious denominations go, Lutherans are decidedly less evangelistic than some.  This is actually one of the things I appreciate about the church, because I myself hate pushy people, and pushy religious people especially.  You will typically not find pairs of Lutherans canvassing neighborhoods to bring the Good Word to the masses, and it would be surprising to me to hear that a Lutheran was found on a street corner or a college campus beating a Bible or handing out tracts.  That’s just not our way.   Our outreaches tend to be more passive and more service-oriented, providing some benefit or other with evangelism offered in an ‘If you’d like to know more about who we are, just ask and we’ll tell you.’ fashion.  While I guess this might sound like a kind of bait-and-switch approach, the simple fact is that someone could pretty much take advantage of Lutheran outreach programs indefinitely and never once have to listen to a sermon or hear what horrible danger their soul is in.   Response is a matter of choice, and as someone who values my personal freedom and dislikes outside intrusion, I respect that a lot.

This all comes to mind right now because it’s occurred to me that my views on my diet are much the same.  I really hate talking about it unless someone approaches me and shows a genuine interest.   ADF is not an easy way to go in practice, but in theory it sounds even worse.  NOT EAT AT ALL for a WHOLE DAY?  Are you CRAZY?   What about metabolic slowdown?  What about nutrition?  Isn’t it just horribly miserable?  Oh, I could never do it!  I love food too much!


June 23, 2010 at 5:34 am 3 comments

ADF Hardcore, Day 1: By Popular Demand (Ha ha)

Well, I’m back.  It’s been awhile, but life is starting to calm back down here and I’ve decided it’s time to buckle back down to a routine again.  My Blogroll has increased by two now, as two friends of mine have taken on the 21-day-goal challenge, and one of the two actually decided to do ADF, of all things.  So… between those two friends and my longtime friends who keep patiently encouraging me to hop up on the wagon again, I’m finding myself in the mood to do some ADF and 21-day journaling again.  And here I am.


June 21, 2010 at 12:26 pm 2 comments

Lent, Day 34: How I Do It

OKay… so… I’m down nearly 60 pounds now, and believe it or not, people actually notice!  I’m sure this has to do with the fact that my clothes actually fit now, thanks to Michelle and Lisa, but regardless… Easily the most common reaction I get from people is, “What are you doing?” and, when I tell them, “Wow, how do DO that?”

So this will be the overview post.  It will be redundant, but it’s the sort of ‘shop talk’ version of the ADF thing, so it might be interesting even if you’ve been reading awhile.

Here’s what I do:


April 1, 2009 at 7:30 am 1 comment

Exercise+, Day 19: Looking Down the Barrel

Today was another good day, I’m happy to report.  When I got up this morning (which was around 7:30 am), I found that Zack had already been up for an hour and was through most of his lessons.  He actually finished everything by noon.   I was only TOO THRILLED to release him on his own recognissance for the rest of the day.   After all, being done with one’s schoolwork by by  noon is supposed to be one of the joys of homeschooling: you don’t have to wait for the rest of the class to finish their work before you can move onto the next thing. 😉

And I, in turn, was equally industrious.  I did three loads of laundry, three loads of dishes (No, I’m not kidding… and the dishes weren’t even piled up to start with; we just go through a LOT of dishes around here.)  I got dinner made and in the oven on time, and I even made pudding for the kids for dessert.  As if to underscore our good day, the weather cheered up to a balmy 50 degrees, and promises to be even better tomorrow.  Mmmm!


February 6, 2009 at 10:57 pm 3 comments

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