Posts tagged ‘Weight Watchers’

ADF Day 14: Two Weeks Down…

And today the scale again confirmed 198.0.

And let me just say: that’s a zero-pound gain after an evening spent eating Chinese food and popsicles.  ADF is a good thing.


January 16, 2013 at 7:22 am

Cleaning, Day 15: Pushing Through…

I’m walking, but I don’t want to be.  :/   This past weekend was so crazy, it’s left me feeling anxious and exhausted.  All I want to do is crawl in bed and pray the world goes away.

Crawl into my made bed.  I’m still being good about that, at least.


May 4, 2009 at 9:50 pm

Cleaning, Day 3: This one is not about cleaning…

The downside to making ‘cleaning’ my goal is that there just isn’t much to WRITE about. 😉    So yeah.. today I made my bed, and the kitchen is clean!  Somehow there’s just not much more to say about it.  I guess I could wax long and philosophical about the various types of pillows on my bed, or the challenges inherent with removing discarded Jell-O from a linoleum floor, but I somehow doubt that’s very interesting to read.

Let’s move on.


April 22, 2009 at 9:22 am

Sleep, Day 3: Woo, Sleep!

Well, that’s two days down.  How far did I get last time?  I can’t even remember.

Unfortunately, I can’t say that I’m actually getting more SLEEP this way.   Even though I tend to go to bed kind of late, the kids usually let me sleep (or at least doze) in enough that I generally get between 6 and 8 hours per night.  Well, on AVERAGE, anyway.  There are outliers.


April 15, 2009 at 1:55 pm

Sleep, Day 1: Back to the 21-Day Thing

Okay, so… it’s Monday and I’m back to the usual grind.  It’s a Down Day for me and an Up Day for Andy, so we’ll be serving Spaghetti tonight. 😉


April 13, 2009 at 7:48 am

Lent, Day 44: Good Friday

Almost there now.  I can almost smell the sausage cooking…

Good Friday has always been one of my favorite services of the year.   As a rule I’m not a very emotionally-affected person, so the fact that a church service actually depresses me is kind of novel and interesting.  I actually find that sort of nice.

But it seemed fitting that today was a Down Day, so I went in to our Good Friday service feeling subdued anyway.


April 10, 2009 at 6:11 am

Lent, Day 34: How I Do It

OKay… so… I’m down nearly 60 pounds now, and believe it or not, people actually notice!  I’m sure this has to do with the fact that my clothes actually fit now, thanks to Michelle and Lisa, but regardless… Easily the most common reaction I get from people is, “What are you doing?” and, when I tell them, “Wow, how do DO that?”

So this will be the overview post.  It will be redundant, but it’s the sort of ‘shop talk’ version of the ADF thing, so it might be interesting even if you’ve been reading awhile.

Here’s what I do:


April 1, 2009 at 7:30 am 1 comment

Lent, Day 28: The Good, The Bad, the Ugly…

Actually, today was more good than bad or ugly, but right now I REALLY don’t feel like walking.  I’m not even sure why, to tell you the truth.  I got the kids to bed early and I came down to walk by 8:30, which is really early for me.   I don’t know why that would make much of a difference, honestly, but I find myself glancing at the timer a lot more tonight than I have recently.


March 25, 2009 at 9:55 pm 2 comments

Weight Check, Week…whatever.

I have no idea how to establish the weeks at this point. 😉  I guess this would technically be week 0.5 of Lent, since I’ve only been doing the Lent thing since Wednesday.

Starting Weight Overall:  241 (Wii Fit), 245 (Bathroom Scale)

Last Week: 200.9 (Wii Fit), 202.0 (Bathroom Scale)

This week: 194.9 (Wii Fit), 196.6 (Bathroom Scale)

Okay, so now EVERYTHING is yelling at me.  I thought the Wii Fit was going to require medical attention, it was so upset. “You have reached your goal much faster than anticipated!  This can lead to WEIGHT REBOUND!!!  Doom Gloom Ooooh!”

I haven’t gone to Weight Watchers yet, but I know that won’t be pretty either.  And frankly, I’m not feeling as flip about that as I probably sound.  I’m glad to have weighed in so low, but this is clearly the result of my less-than-stellar appetite of the past week, and I really do think Weight Rebound or whatever could be an issue if I’m not careful. :/

March 2, 2009 at 8:13 am 2 comments

Sleep, Day 8: Goodbye Weekend!

I’m back to journalling as I walk, which is probably good.  In fact, at this point I’ve walked for a total of 148 minutes, and I’m still going.  I finally have TIME to do this again, and I figured I’d take advantage.  In other windows I’m chatting on Facebook, entering business names and information into Daylite, and filling out my Weight Watchers journal again.

So for the moment, at least, I’m back. 😉


February 16, 2009 at 7:57 pm 3 comments

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