Posts tagged ‘Exercise’

ADF Day 21: Already?

Wow.  I was backlogging a little bit this morning because I had written stuff I hadn’t posted yet.  As I was editing and posting the entries, I accidentally misnumbered a couple of the posts (which is why, if you’re sharp-eyed, you might notice the URLs of some of my posts don’t match their actual titles now).  I went back and fixed it, and only THEN clued in that today is Day 21! 

Check me out!  One 21 down!  And while I didn’t necessarily walk or journal every single day, I did faithfully follow my ADF plan.  My weigh-in today: 197.4.  No change from yesterday, but that’s awesome because yesterday was an Up Day. 🙂  And it was an Up Day in which I was rather bad, too; I was careful during the day, but I got very snacky in the evening. 

So in the end, my first 21-day run resulted in a total loss of 7.6 pounds.   Not half bad!  It might have been more had I not slid a bit here this past week.  But no matter… onward and downward!


January 23, 2013 at 9:18 am

ADF Day 2: Tools

So far so good.   This morning’s weigh-in had me coming in at 203.4.  That’s not so surprising for a post-down-day result, but considering it’s winter and a time of the month not conducive to weight loss, I’ll take it.

Didn’t get up as early this morning, despite a similarly early bedtime.  I have this weird cold that doesn’t manifest in much besides a vaguely stuffy head combined with a wicked sinus headache.  I took DayQuil yesterday, and it didn’t do much for me, so an hour or so later I took one migraine pill.  That took care of it until almost exactly 6:30 p.m., when the headache returned.  That time I dispensed with the Dayquil and went straight for the migraine pill, which worked.   Unfortunately, those pills contain a dose of caffiene, so my sleep was pretty restless.

The green tea I drank for most of the day yesterday probably didn’t help either, I guess. 😉


January 3, 2013 at 6:12 am

ADF Day 10: The trouble with Fridays…

Well, only SOME Fridays…   This weekend the kids are with their Dad, and like a lot of divorced mothers these weekends presents some mixed feelings.  On one hand, the time alone is nice, gives me a chance to attend to chores and such without the chaos of four school-aged kids fumbling around in the middle of them or distracting me with requests for snacks and attention.  On the other hand, nothing makes you miss requests for snacks and attention like not having them anymore.  Given the choice, no matter how complicated life might be with four children, I would infinitely prefer to have them with me than not.


June 17, 2011 at 5:18 am 1 comment

ADF Day 4: 18 miles and counting…

I’m working on miles 19 and 20 right now.  Not bad. 🙂  I’m proud of myself.  I also made it through Down Day Number Two with considerable success, and this morning the scale says I weight 186.8.  That’s post-Down-Day, so I’m probably at more like 188, but still.  I’m down, and that’s what matters.


June 11, 2011 at 8:51 am 1 comment

ADF Day 3: Remembering Again…


I had forgotten a lot, apparently.  Yesterday I got up, walked, and ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast.  By 10:00 a.m., the nutrition lull smacked me full-on and I was shaking too hard to write properly.  Such a quirky thing that the effects of not eating really don’t manifest for real until the day AFTER you fast, but there you go.  This is all just part of Hell Week, as I recall, so I’m not too worried.  I went out for lunch as planned and was fine after that. (more…)

June 10, 2011 at 5:30 am 1 comment

ADF Day 1ish: Marathon Week

I’m not sure about starting a 21-week plan on a Wednesday.    Strictly speaking, I should have begun on Monday, as that was when Pangie suggested we start our Marathon Week.   Unfortunately, Monday coincided with some other stuff that was going on, and I forgot all about it.


June 8, 2011 at 8:00 pm 1 comment

ADF-EDD, Day 3: Being Good!

I’m up and walking!  It’s a little later than usual, but I don’t have to be at work until 9:00 today.  That helps.


July 14, 2010 at 5:57 am 2 comments

ADF-EDD, Day 2: Dum de dum de dum…

The pitfall with this EDD thing is that the temptation exists to shrug off walking on my Up Days, because ostensibly there’s nothing to ‘earn’.  I was good, though;  I woke up a little later than I wanted to, but I still got about 30 minutes in.  Better than nothing.


July 13, 2010 at 5:38 am 1 comment

ADF-EDD, Day 1: Not a bad start

Okay.. so my weigh in this morning said I weighed 170.0 exactly.    Considering the past week and the circumstances, I’m actually impressed.  Technically this means I actually lost weight, which is saying something.


July 12, 2010 at 5:12 pm

ADF Hardcore, Day 21: Time to Start Over

I guess if you’re going to fail at this, failing on Day 20 isn’t the worst thing in the world.  I realize you’ve made it nearly to the end and failed, but at the same time, you can also say, ‘Look how far I got!’


July 11, 2010 at 12:29 pm 1 comment

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